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Conversion Optimization

  • Continuously boost your website’s conversion ratio
  • Evidence-based approach, combining behavior science, neuromarketing and user analytics
  • Don’t let insights slip away: use your traffic and get insights in your target customers

Diede Vendrig

Persuasion Professional

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Even the best website in the world can become more persuasive, user-friendly and conversion oriented. In short: there are no ceilings when it comes to increasing online conversion.

Improving the conversion rate on your website is a total must for every serious (ecommerce) website. Carrying out A/B tests day after day, week after week, ensures lasting increases in conversion and helps you to stay ahead of your competition.

Why Unravel Behavior?

Behavioral psychology – Neuromarketing insights – Usability data

In order to increase conversion quickly, it is important to carry out A/B tests that focus on aspects that actually have a high potential of changing your conversion outcomes. Put differently: A/B testing is only worthwhile to the extent you have great ideas of what to test. Unravel Behavior has a unique approach to identifying these ideas, for which we combine knowledge from three sources: published science, in-company neuromarketing insights and user analytics data. While many companies tend to narrow their focus on one source, we unite all three.

Behavioral psychology

Buying behavior is mostly driven unconsciously and automatically. Subtle environmental factors can be a major force swaying our attention, emotion and – ultimately – choice. We rightfully consider our ever-growing knowledge of behavioral science our secret weapon, in which we invest continuously by monitoring the latest publications in science each and every week. Because of our extensive knowledge of online usability and persuasion, our in-house marketing psychologists are able to pinpoint which specific changes on your website have the greatest likelihood of actually boosting your conversion rates.

Neuromarketing Insights

In addition to A/B testing, Unravel Behavior frequently carries out neuromarketing usability research. Combining the power of Eye tracking and neuroimaging (EEG), we are able to measure emotional user experience to the millisecond.

Neuromarketing research is able to bring unconscious bottlenecks and opportunities for optimization to surface. After years of research and analyzing website flows in different branches, Unravel has gained a rich database of exclusive insights of what works, what doesn’t and why.

User Analytics Data

Thirdly, we will dive into your user analytics data to identify the current routes, strengths and weaknesses within your flow. This will illuminate exactly where our behavioral science insights can be brought to good use. Understanding your visitors’ online behavior offers a valuable starting point for optimization opportunities.

Unravel Behavior delivers exactly as promised: every week a clear report with new insights is sent by email. Really great!

Eugene Lubbers - Briq bookings

Timeline of an A/B testing project

  • 1. Setting up the tooling

    In order to properly run A/B tests, we need to implement a test tool that offers the possibility to develop and carry out tests. The tooling will automatically allocate each visitor into one of two groups. One group sees the current website, whereas the other group sees the website that’s changed in the testable aspect. If the groups significantly differ in conversion rate, this is a sign that the tested change works.

  • 2. Website analysis

    Before we start testing, we scrutinize the current version of your website to identify the most fruitful opportunities for improvement. Our test ideas flow from behavioral psychology, neuromarketing insights and user analytics data. We examine all possible flow paths – from the home page to check-out – and create a shortlist of all potential bottlenecks and opportunities for increased sales.

  • 3. Test plan setup

    Based on the analysis, we write an evidence based test plan for the first batch of A/B tests. This test plan clearly outlines which psychological insights we need to test, what each test would look like and why we expect that these adjustments will increase conversion rates.

  • 4. Development tests

    After the client approves the test plan, the tests can be built in the test tool, which will be taken care of completely by Unravel. Our developers build the test in applicable front end languages.

  • 5. Data collection

    If everything is set up, the test is ready to go live! This is where the data collection part starts. Every visitor will be randomly assigned to either version A or version B. During the test period we closely keep track of the data which is being retrieved. We check if the data is correctly collected and no unusual things occur.

  • 6. Report and Analysis

    Our web analysts will dive into the Analytics data to check if the data confirms our hypotheses. All findings will be presented in a clear report, including a business case representing the expected increase in turnover based on the collected data. The predicted increase in revenue helps to make the value of A/B testing immediately tangible.

Frequently asked questions

How soon can I start with conversion optimization?
After intake we directly start with the website analysis, the test plan and the set-up of the test tooling. The first test can be live within 2 weeks.
How many tests are successful on average?
In contrast to general market A/B tests, where the average success is 1 out of 5, our substantiated approach delivers an average success rate of 1 out of 2. This is all thanks to our more comprehensive sources of knowledge: behavioral science, neuromarketing research and user analytics. This helps us to identify which aspects are most fruitful to test, thereby increasing the amount of tests that actually uncover a conversion boosting adjustment.
Do you work on a ‘no cure, no pay’ basis as well?
Yes, we do for clients that prefer a success-based paying plan. As we are confident of the value of our research, we are glad to discuss different paying options.
I do not have enough traffic to properly run A/B tests, but nevertheless I would like to optimize my website with behavioral science insights, is this possible?
Yes, of course. When your website doesn’t meet the traffic criteria for A/B testing, our Expert Review might be a very good starting point for improvement. Here, we will analyze your website and provide you with advice on which adjustments you should implement to instantly benefit your conversion rates.
Is it possible to stop or discontinue A/B testing at any moment?
Unravel’s A/B testing plan starts at a fixed number of tests of at least six, in order to provide you with an idea of the added value of A/B tests for your website. After these first rounds of tests, we will continue testing on a weekly basis, which you can pause, stop or restart at any moment.



Of users tested

Success ratio

1 out of 2 tests increases conversion rate


Neuromarketing insights

Do you also have a challenge in the field of behavior change?

Challenges like these make our psychological heart skip a beat. At Unravel Behavior, we like to open our behavioral science treasure chest to make the world a bit more beautiful and safe. Do you also have a challenge in the field of behavior change? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to help!

Let's drink coffee!

Unravel Behavior is a marketing agency. But just a little different. We unite creativity with neuromarketing. Art with science.

By making use of proven techniques from psychology, we make your marketing more effective and help you to achieve higher revenues.

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